Untitled Work
By: <crobar28=at=ix.netcom.com>
Thu Feb 19 19:33:47 1998
Anonymous Contributor:
Age:[ 29 ] Gender:[ f ]

				if there really is.....

  	Tell me why  
		You did what you did. 
		I can't seem to find an answer if there really is.  

	Tell me why 
		I have to feel this way.
		I can't seem to find a reason if there really is.  

	Tell me how 
		You let me live like this 
		In pain and hell 
		I can't seem to find an answer if there really is.  

	Tell me how 
		I can continue going on as is 
		I can't seem to find a reason if there really is.  

	Tell me when 
		You are going to let me know 
		I can't wait any longer 

	The end is near if there really is.

-- . . . [ crobar28=at=ix.netcom.com ]

Thu Feb 19 19:33:47 1998 back to other Contributions page