By: Justin Donini <>
Mon Aug 22 12:14:27 2005
By Justin Donini
Location: Norwich CT US

Age:[ 24 ] Gender:[ m ]

	I remember leaving California in the summer of 1987
to go to my Grandparents house in Yakima, WA. We would stay
there for six weeks out of the summer just to return back to
"normal" life.

I remember that summer like it was yesterday. This one day
was nice and sunny when my grandpa took us to the forest to
cut down trees for fire wood. Grandpa, my brother and me
jumped in to his truck and headed to the mountains. The trees
were tall and overwhelming. I remember my Grandpa took out
his big chainsaw and started cutting trees. Before they would
fall he would tell us to yell out timber. 

We sat down by the river and ate sandwiches grandma made for

I never knew how strong my granpa was until he cut each tree
up and threw it in the back of the truck. I tried to lift up
one because I wanted to be strong like him. He laughed and
told me someday I would be as strong as he was. But he was
wrong. I could never be as strong as my grandfather was
because we was the STRONGEST MAN to me who ever lived.

I love you Grandpa, I know your there, listening to me talk
about you. 

Love always and forever and till we meet again,

Your Grandson,


-- Justin Donini <>

Mon Aug 22 12:14:27 2005
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