By: Grandma Von <>
Thu Oct 17 13:11:58 2002
My First Granddaughter
By Grandma Von
Location: Affton Mo. US

Age:[ 52 ] Gender:[ F ]

My first granddaughter was born 1/08/1994 she was killed on 8/01/2001.

Her name is Kymber Marie Smith.  She was and really is still the best
that has ever happen, she was as very sweet and giving little girl.

On August 1st 2001 my daughter and her two children were crossing
a highway known as blood alley 21.  There were no other car in sight
according to witness's expect for one that was going over the speed
limit and also on his cell phone he was 16 years of age at the time.

Needless to say no skid marks no nothing.  He hit them my granddaughter
Kymber was killed on the spot.  She was only seven years of age I saw
her come into the world and I also saw her leave.  If any one else
has lost their grandchild please email maybe we can help each other.

Thanks and Let the little Angels be heard

-- Grandma Von <>

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