By: Elizabeth <>
Mon Sep 25 17:57:09 2000
Its ok to go home.
By Elizabeth
Location: cambridge Md US

Age:[ 54 ] Gender:[ f ]

	Its okay to go home...   When you called and ask if we would take care
of you till you died.  I never thought that I would be the one to
whom you would choose. You and I were never close as a daughter and
a mother were to be.  I guess I felt like Barbara was your favorite.
Barbara has gone home and so has dad.  When yu were nearing your final
moments here on Earth as we know them,  I finally realized that I was
the lucky one.  I got to know the mom that I knew years ago but not
the woman behind the face.  You were more to me the last two weeks
than I have ever remembered. The morning you went home we gave you
our guardian angels and told you that dad and Barbara were at the
foot of your bed and that it was ok to go home.  Just take them by
the hands and go home it will be alright,  we love you and that we
will be just fine.  When you finally did take them by the hands it
was a warm feeling that surrounded the room and then I knew you were
home in the arms of the man that loved you so much for 54 years and a
daughter that you and dad were proud of.  Someday I will be there in
your arms like dad and Barbara are right now so just remember     Its
okay to go home..

-- Elizabeth . . . [ ]

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